+Welcome to The Playstation Zone of GΛMΣGӨDƧ+

This is our +The Playstation Zone+ Judging Room. I'll be rating these games upon graphics, game-play, storyline etc. This is the section for you guys to decide if you should get that game or not... cause I know how it is to be undecided over a game and you ask for opinions and you can't seem to get a straight answer to convince you to get it or not. ~Reaper~

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fallout 3

 For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you've ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth. 

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by: Hagman & Reaper

Fallout, the best RPG that has won various awards like:
Game of the Year

“If the main difference between a movie and a video game is that games give players a choice in how the action unfolds, then Fallout 3 is the ultimate video game.”

X-Play G-Phoria Awards
Game of the Year
Role-Playing Game of the Year
Soundtrack of the Year
Longest Lasting Game
Best Downloadable Content (Broken Steel)
Best Voice Acting

Game of the Year (Overall)
Best Story (Overall)
Best RPG (Overall)
Game of the Year (Xbox 360)
RPG of the Year (Xbox 360)
RPG of the Year (PC)
RPG of the Year (PS3)
"Fallout 3 is a near perfect role-playing experience and one of the most memorable games in years."

Game of the Year
Xbox 360 and Ps3 game of the year
PC Game of the Year
PlayStation 3 Game of the Year Runner Up
"Fallout 3 ended up not only being the best game of the year, but one of the finest titles of this generation."

Judgment: Gameplay
If you are a solo gamer you will want this game, Fallout 3 will definitely be you kind of game, is all together a first person shooter, third person shooter, RPG, Adventure game, it might actually be the best game around...really it is. Considering the intense grounds to explore you will never get bored cause you either will be leveling up, shooting the hell out of bad guys or doing quest. Fallout has over 200 hours of gameplay that is also excluding the expansion quest, not to mention the details while shooting, lets just say body dismemberments is a very heavy factor in this game and the rag dolls are sometimes hysterical. Fallout has a good interaction mode, in which you can do good to people, bad or just survival of the fittest (neutral) though this will affect you rewards in the game you might have fun telling people the harsh truth in their faces. Also you can join several groups of army such as brotherhood of steel, Reilly's rangers and outcast, this is not all of them, but if your thinking of buying explore them out. Fallout features almost no restrictions, if you can afford to jump to a bridge and reach you can do it without clashing in an invisible wall, also you can swim....but careful if you don't die radiated up the ass, a "Mirelurck" might rape you. When it comes to weaponry, fallout has them all, you can create weapons, or find your own you can hold as much as your strength allows you to, and armor is a must in this game. The level ups follow up to level 30, but use it wise this will depend how you fight you can level up stuff like V.A.T.S. your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. your special determines your Strength, Perception, Endurance,Charisma,Intelligence,Agility and Luck you rarely level up these but they are the most important, the vats is an auto aim feature were you see a mini movie of your character shooting your target in an almost slow mo version. I think i said enough for gameplay you'd be a moron not to buy this, cause Hagman and Reaper have not yet cleared it to a 100% and we have had this game for years now.

Judgment: Storyline
Fallout has a simple storyline, find daddy...but you don't have to once you leave vault 101 you can just roam free doing people favors and killing people for your own pleasure, since fallout features variety of quest you wont finish them over night, trust me in fact, your first 3 profiles will suck ass cause you wont understand until you start all over the third time. you will see shocking things in the expansion like falling ships, and not to mention the amazing Broken Steel might be the coolest expansion.

Judgment: Graphics
dude is a 720P that looks like an 1080p what else is there, though the glitches are funny , just remember, don't step on the items constant kicking will make them disappear.

Fallout is a game you can always play for dying hours and not notice so this game deserves a rating of
if you are into shooters only, don't say otherwise, really don't bitch out cause Fallout is better than Call of duty =3 ....That's all children for more reviews wait till we set time to entertain you idiots =D